
Friday, January 20, 2012

Desires-Loving God With My Soul

Jesus taught we cannot serve two masters.The nature of Christianity is to be caught between good and evil forces as we attempt to fulfill our God-given tasks.Some forces are external, like those placed on us by friends,relatives,co-workers,employers or church leaders.Others are internal;they are the ones that involve our personal dreams,ambitions, and goals.
Many seek God in times of trouble and surrender the offending pieces of their lives for a time but take it back when it is over,still believing they know better than God what will bring them meaning,purpose and ,pleasure.If we cannot lay every aspect of our life before God without his thorough examination,we have not said "It's Yours."And we cannot experience spiritual renewal until we have surrendered everything to God-including every desire and ambition.
As we let go of selfish ambitions,God can begin to show us what is behind our drive to achieve and why we hold on so tightly to the things we acquire.When we see the truth about our motives and agree with God about our values,he can begin changing our desires to match His.

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